Test subjects Eliza, Jason, Jessica, and Martin come into Gonsanto Industries for baseline testing and "the treatment".
Music in this episode:
Credits theme by Superluminal Project
"Playful Planet" by Secession Studios"
"Abgrund" by SatanasiA
"Eyes Like a Nova" by Carl Phaser
"Black Sail" by Chastity Belt
For entertainment purposes only. This is not to be used in place of a licensed therapist or other qualified medical aid given its satirical...
Working a dead end job with the most obnoxious boss ever? Dating life not quite where you would like? Consider signing up for the...
The Insomnia Project is recruiting test subjects! Transcript available at https://www.throtopro.com/the-insomnia-project Announcer - Nick Bean Tired Actor - Kyle Gould